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Daily vs. Monthly Contacts: Which One Should You Wear?

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There are approximately 680,000 contact lens wearers aged between 15 and 64 years in Australia, but with so many options, choosing the right type can be confusing. Daily and monthly lenses are the two most popular choices, each with distinct advantages.

But how do you decide which is best for you? Is the convenience of dailies worth the extra cost? Do monthlies really pose a higher risk for eye infections?

This blog will break down the key differences between daily and monthly contacts to help you decide which best suits your lifestyle and eye health. We’ll explore factors like comfort, cost, and hygiene to ensure you make an informed decision. So, ditch the glasses and get ready for clear vision – but first, let’s find the perfect lens for you!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Daily and Monthly Contacts

Choosing between daily and monthly contacts depends on your priorities. Here’s a breakdown of the key pros and cons of each type to help you make an informed decision:

Feature Daily Contacts Monthly Contacts
Comfort Typically feel thinner and more breathable due to higher water content May feel thicker initially, but comfort can improve with adaptation
Convenience No cleaning or storage required – toss them after each use Requires daily cleaning and storage with solution and case
Hygiene Fresh lenses every day minimise protein buildup and risk of infection Proper cleaning is crucial to prevent infections and discomfort
Cost Generally more expensive per wear due to daily disposal More cost-effective per wear, especially for full-time wearers
Suitability for allergies Ideal for those with allergies or dry eyes May trap allergens and contribute to dryness with extended wear
Lifestyle Great for occasional wearers, travel, or those who dislike cleaning routines Suitable for everyday wearers who are comfortable with a cleaning routine
Environment Creates more plastic waste due to daily disposal Less waste compared to dailies, but proper disposal of used solution is important


Daily Contacts: A Fresh Start Every Day

Pros: Daily lenses offer ultimate convenience and hygiene. They’re ideal for occasional wearers, those with allergies or dry eyes, or anyone who dislikes cleaning routines. The fresh lenses each day minimise protein buildup and the risk of infections.

Cons: Daily contacts are generally the more expensive option on a per-wear basis. They also create more plastic waste due to daily disposal.

Monthly Contacts: Cost-Effective and Convenient

Pros: Monthly lenses are significantly cheaper per wear compared to dailies, making them a better choice for full-time wearers. They’re also more environmentally friendly due to less frequent disposal.

Cons: Monthly lenses require a daily cleaning routine and proper storage to maintain hygiene. Improper care can lead to infections, discomfort, and protein buildup. They might not be ideal for those with allergies or dry eyes, as allergens can become trapped in the lenses over time.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to daily vs. monthly contacts. Consider your lifestyle, budget, and eye health. Discuss your options with your optometrist to determine the best type of lens for you. We can also recommend specific brands and materials that cater to your individual needs.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Contacts

When debating between daily and monthly contacts, several factors come into play. This section will guide you through these considerations to help you make the best choice for your eyes.

Eye Health and Sensitivity

The primary concern should always be your eye health. Daily disposables are often recommended for individuals with sensitive eyes or those prone to infections because there is a lower risk of buildup of deposits and allergens, which can cause irritation and discomfort.

Since you start with a fresh pair every day, the risk of eye infections significantly decreases. On the other hand, monthly contacts require diligent cleaning and storage practices to maintain eye health, which might not be ideal for everyone.


Your daily activities and lifestyle play a significant role in your choice. If you have a busy lifestyle or travel frequently, daily contacts offer convenience as there’s no need to carry cleaning solutions or cases. They are also beneficial for those who only wear contacts occasionally, like athletes during sports activities.

However, if you’re comfortable with a nightly cleaning routine and don’t mind the maintenance, monthlies can be a practical and eco-friendly choice.


Comfort is subjective and varies from one individual to another. Some wearers find the thinner material of daily disposables more comfortable, as they allow more oxygen to reach the eye, reducing dryness and irritation.

Monthly lenses, however, are made from materials that are designed to last longer, which can sometimes feel thicker and less comfortable to sensitive individuals. Trial periods with both types, often facilitated by optometry services, can help determine which feels better for your eyes.


Cost is a significant factor for many contact lens wearers. At first glance, daily disposables may seem more expensive due to the cost per lens. However, when considering the additional costs associated with monthly contacts, such as cleaning solutions and cases, the price difference might not be as substantial.

Furthermore, the potential for higher medical costs due to eye infections with improper care of monthly lenses should not be overlooked. Evaluate your budget and weigh the long-term costs of each option.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of disposable contacts is a growing concern. Daily disposables generate more waste because they are thrown away after a single use. Monthly contacts, while still disposable, result in less frequent waste.

If environmental sustainability is important to you, monthly lenses or seeking brands that offer recycling programs might be the better option.

Vision Quality

Both daily and monthly contacts can provide high-quality vision correction, but the best choice might depend on your specific visual needs and how your eyes react to different lens materials.

Some users report clearer vision with the newer materials used in daily disposables, while others find no noticeable difference. Consult with your eye care provider to discuss which lenses might offer you the best visual acuity.

Trial and Error

Ultimately, finding the most comfortable contacts might require some trial and error. Many eye care professionals offer trial packs for both daily and monthly lenses.

Take advantage of these trials to assess how each type feels throughout the day, how well they meet your lifestyle needs, and how your eyes react over time.

Discussing these aspects with your eye care professional and experimenting with both types through trial packs can lead you to the most comfortable and suitable option for your eyes.

Tips to Take Care of Your Contacts

Maintaining your contact lenses properly is vital for ensuring eye health and getting the most out of your contacts, whether you opt for daily or monthly varieties. Here are essential tips to take care of your contacts, keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable.

For All Contact Lens Wearers

  • Wash and Dry Your Hands: Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your contacts or eyes. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel to avoid transferring contaminants.
  • Use Contact Lens Solution: Never use water or saliva to clean your contacts. Only use recommended contact lens solutions for cleaning, disinfecting, and storing your lenses.
  • Follow Replacement Schedules: Adhere strictly to the replacement schedule prescribed by your eye care professional. Using lenses beyond their intended period can lead to discomfort and eye health issues.
  • Avoid Sleeping in Contacts: Unless your lenses are specifically designed for overnight wear, do not sleep in them. Sleeping in contacts not approved for extended wear can restrict oxygen to your eyes, leading to complications.
  • Consider Frame Brands for Glasses Alternatives: For those times when you’re giving your eyes a break from contacts, explore high-quality frame brands that complement your style and provide comfort.

For Daily Contact Lens Wearers

  • Dispose After Use: Daily disposables are designed for one-time use. Dispose of them after each day’s wear to minimise the risk of eye infections and ensure optimal eye health.
  • No Cleaning Required: One of the benefits of daily disposables is that there is no need for cleaning or storage. This convenience eliminates the risk of improper lens care.

For Monthly Contact Lens Wearers

  • Clean and Rinse Daily: Clean your monthly contacts every day with the prescribed solution to remove deposits and microbes. Rinse them thoroughly after cleaning.
  • Disinfect and Store Properly: Use the recommended disinfecting solution and let your lenses soak for the specified amount of time. Always store them in a clean lens case filled with fresh solution.
  • Replace the Lens Case Regularly: Lens cases can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Replace your lens case at least every three months, or as directed by your eye care provider.
  • Avoid Topping Off Solution: Never “top off” old solution in your lens case with new solution. Always use fresh solutions to store your lenses, as mixing old and new solutions can reduce the effectiveness of the disinfection process.

General Care Tips

  • Monitor Eye Health: Pay attention to signs of irritation, discomfort, or vision changes. If you experience any issues, remove your contacts and consult your eye care professional immediately.
  • Schedule Regular Check-ups: Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining eye health and ensuring your contact lens prescription is up to date.
  • Be Mindful of Environmental Factors: Avoid wearing contacts in environments with high levels of dust, smoke, or chlorine, which can irritate your eyes. Use protective eyewear if necessary.

By following these tips, you can maintain your contact lenses properly, ensuring they remain comfortable and safe for your eyes. Whether you choose daily or monthly lenses, proper care is essential for optimising your contact lens-wearing experience and safeguarding your vision.

Get Your Contacts from Leading Local Optometrists

Choosing the right contact lenses is a decision that affects not only your vision but also your daily comfort and overall eye health. As we’ve explored the pros and cons of daily versus monthly contacts, it’s clear that the best choice varies depending on individual needs, lifestyle, and priorities. Whether you prioritise convenience, cost-effectiveness, or environmental considerations, it’s essential to make an informed decision tailored to your specific requirements.

At EyeSelect, we understand the importance of finding the perfect contact lenses for your eyes. Our team of experienced optometrists are committed to providing personalised advice and recommendations to ensure you select the contacts best suited for your vision needs and lifestyle. By considering factors such as eye health, sensitivity, lifestyle, comfort, and cost, we aim to help you make a choice that not only enhances your vision but also fits seamlessly into your daily routine.

Explore our range of contact lenses. Our expert optometrists are here to guide you through the selection process, offering trials and personalised advice.

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